Jacques Ménétrier worked most of his life on singles and their action on the body’s regulations. He built up a whole theory, Diathesis, based on experimentation, describing the role of singles or groups of singles: Copper in association with Manganese, Manganese itself, Manganese in association with Cobalt, Copper in association with Gold and Silver, Copper in association with Zinc, or Zinc in association with Nickel and Cobalt and controlling the body’s regulations. These specific singles have a fundamental action to depolarize the body, and are helpful in the Jean Seignalet food protocol in case of no responding.
Jacques Ménétrier was born in 1908, June 17th, in Paris. Trained as doctor, clinician, he started the singles actions studies as soon as he got his Medicine doctorate, in 1939. He created with several doctors a research centre to study lot of diseases’ symptoms, to characterize them and test singles onto the patients in order to improve their health. He published their first results in 1954, and was immediately condemned by French Medical Association. Nevertheless, he continued his work, improving his treatments all along his life, editing many books among which Diathesis or the Medicine of the functions (in French only), his legacy, in 1974. Jaques Ménétrier died in 1986, July 28th.
Jacques Ménétrier, (Homeopathy International)

Jacques Ménétrier worked most of his life on singles and their action on the body’s regulations. So he built up a whole theory, Diathesis, based on experimentation, describing the role of singles or groups of singles:

  • Copper in association with Manganese,
  • Manganese alone,
  • Manganese in association with Cobalt,
  • Copper in association with Gold and Silver,
  • Copper in association with Zinc, or Zinc in association with Nickel and Cobalt

These singles are controlling the body’s regulations. It’s to say that these specific singles have a fundamental action to depolarize the body. And in an other hand, they are very helpful in the Jean Seignalet food protocol in case of no responding.


Jacques Ménétrier was born on 1908, June, 17th, in Paris.

His medical training in hospital, his scientist approach, this time situation, with the development of new theories, atoms’ constitution, quantic theories and more, the revision of traditional organs’ medicine by lot of practitioners (Drs Abrami, Achard, Binet, Biot, Carrel, Delore, Laignel-Lavastine, Reilly, Leriche, Jacquelin, Bezançon, Nicolle, Roger, Mauriac, Lumière Vernes, Vernet (by the way, these practitioners reproach the dogmatic organ’s approach of most of other practitioners, and introduced or reappropriate the notion of “fields”)) list from his book The Medicine of the Functions (in French), his curiosity as well lead him to study the catalytic elements, the singles as soon as he got his Medicine University doctorate.

Especially since famous scientists started to raised doubts on several certitudes. For example, “Schrodinger, looking at the biologic facts, defined the life by its specific ability to withdraw “negative entropy” to its environment and to eliminate all “normal entropy” that the organism has to produce all along his live” (Medicine of the functions, Catalysis and Catalyst, extract). And this is still a today question when we speak about the “vital force” of the body.

In that boiling ideas’ period, questions at this time were: True? False? How it can work? Wide experimental fields to explore, lot of theories to build.

Several famous scientists already built strong basis about singles.

As Gabriel Bertrand (1867-1962), basically famous French chemist. He discovered 18 metals or metalloids that we can found in each living cells, animal or vegetal, always in very few quantities. On the top, he identified as well their functions. And he gave them the name of singles, catalytic elements, “oligo-éléments” in French.

Or J. Sutter, whose father was taught by G. Bertrand, and B. Seqward, who already proved the therapeutic activity of manganese and copper.

J. Ménétrier had one’s viva in 1939, studying the causes of diseases. Then, he started collecting all knowledge at this time about biology and singles.

Experimental single theory

By end of 1943, he decided with his team to create research center specifically dedicated to the singles study and their therapeutic effects. At the same time, this group started the study of thousands of ill people, looking forward common criteria and trying to define how could help single doses. For these studies, J. Ménétrier’s team collected and recorded all the aspects of the symptoms of the illnesses, physiologic as well as psychological ones, because a people is all of them.

During that time, lot of practitioners joined the team, involving much more data.

In 1954, he published the first synthesis of all these years of studies in a book, Introduction to the functional medicine (in French only). Inside, he described the fundamental role of the regulations in the body functioning, and the tuning action of the singles in these regulations. As soon as the book published, he was condemned by the French “Ordre des Médecins”, French medical association who has Police State power. Maybe French allopathic practitioners didn’t like to start curing the people before they declare illnesses, I suppose…

Nevertheless, J. Ménétrier continued and published The Diathesis in 1958. This book, base of that therapy, describes the intermediates steps between health and diseases, precising how to reverse situations using singles, which singles to use and how.

This new therapy filled with enthusiasm lot of practitioners. So that J. Ménétrier shared and developed his ideas on strong experiences basement. On the top he participated as well to the definition of the compounds and their production.

Unfortunately, all these therapeutic treatments disappeared when these practitioners went to retirement time, or almost. Mostly because allopathic official practitioners didn’t accept its theories. Parts of its ideas still remains in Naturopathy world, but oppositely to J. Ménétrier who was a true doctor, most of Naturo therapist are not. 

 J. Ménétrier died in 1986, July, 28th, in Raiseux (France).

All these biographic information are extracted from The Medicine of the Functions, (in French) printed in 1974.

Photo of The Medicine of the Functions, Jacques Ménétrier book, original edited in 1974, at the end of his working life. This book is the testimony and legacy of Jacques Ménétrier. He put inside all his knowledge, his history. Kee book to understand the role of the single for preventive medicine. He gave a full information on diseases’ classification in 5 categories, the diathesis, the singles which act on these diathesis in order to recover ones health.
1974 Original edition of Dr Jacques Ménétrier book, old externally, but very interesting information into