Food and illnesses, several decisive practitioners at their time

Whose works are still topical.

From historical point of view, works on capillaries and singles started beginning of 20th century.

In another side, the works regarding the links between food and diseases are quite recent, mostly during the 2nd part of 20th century..

I highlighted hereunder four renowned doctors, whose work fall into oblivion or are no more used today, or almost, but hopefully, for three very important of them, passed on us the legacy of their knowledge through their books. So, we can re-appropriate these knowledge, and on the top of that, make the same legacy to every people. This is our duty.

Photo of Dr Alexander Salmanoff, 70-80 years old, living in France. Dr Alexander Salmanoff was born in Russia, in 1874, got 3 medicine doctorates. He leave definitively Russia in 1921, worked in Italy, Germany and finely settled in France from 1936. He discovered the hyperthermic baths, on the base of the discoveries of Dr August Krogh, and found out that to have hyperthermic bathes improves health, giving back many years more to the body. He died in 1964 in Paris, at 90 years old, and was practicing till its last minutes.
Dr Alexander Salmanoff
Photo of Dr August Krogh, about 1920, probably at the time when he was Medicine Nobel prize winner. Born in 1874, died in 1948.. Physiologist and professor of zoology, he discovered the existence of the capillaries (blood circulation) and their functioning mode.
August Krogh
Photo of Dr Jacques Ménétrier, born in France, in Paris, in 1908. After his Medicine doctorate, he started studying the action of singles on the body. He defined that several specific singles or group of singles are regulating the functions of the body, allowing a health recovery in specified conditions. He dedicated all his life to that new approach. He died close to Paris in 1986. Unfortunately, all his work was almost forgotten, and for sure not used by allopathic practitioners.
Dr Jacques Ménétrier
Photo of Dr Jean Seignalet, about 50 60years old. Dr Jean Seignalet was clinician, biologist, lecturer and researcher. Specialized in immunology, he started studying why rheumatic diseases increased so much. He found out that the main cause is the food, which is not appropriate to the body. Then he defined a food protocol, rejecting gluten, milk and all milk products, processed sugar at first, reducing cooking temperature, using only first cold pressed oils, drinking only filtered water and few others. Following such protocol, you can stop and even reverse about 100 diseases.
Dr Jean Seignalet