Photo of Dr Alexandre Salamnoff, born in Russia, in 1874. At this time, therapies were mainly cold bathes, cold and hot showers, water utilization. Medication almost not exist, except plant extracts use. Very interested in the works of Dr A. Krogh, Danish, living at the same period, he invented hyperthermic baths, enhancing their effect using plants origin bath oils, mixed with turpentine essence extracted from Siberian larch trees, well known at this time. Improving the capillaries work, he improved the whole-body working way, reducing diseases and giving many years bonus. He had not a very stable life, he had to leave its own country and live abroad the rest of his life from 1921 till he died in 1964, at 90. After a short stay in Germany, he moved definitively to France in 1936. He never stops working.
Dr Alexander Salmanoff, in France

Dr Alexandre Salmanoff is the inventor of hyperthermic baths, which have a great action on our capillaries. The capillaries are a part of our blood system, linking the arterioles and venules. For example, they feed (food, oxygen, information), and remove (wastes, CO2) all the cells 15 microns around. Heating the whole body, capillaries are dilating and recover a right functioning, allowing the good cells living. In consequences, this treatment gives many years life to the body, slowing diseases and ageing.


Alexander Salmanoff is born in Russia, in 1874 or 1875.

After first medicine studies in Moscow University, he went out of Russia to improve its first training. About 1905, he got already three University doctorates (Russian, German and Italian). Then, he stayed in Italy, where he managed an hospital in a thermal city. In these years, he already got there an international reputation.

During the first world war, he came back to Russia, where he managed military hospitals.

After the 1917 revolution, his work was recognized by the new government. Vladimir Lenin gave him the management of all the thermal cities of the country. There, he was in charge as well of tuberculosis treatment. The same year, he became the dedicated doctor of the Lenin’s family.

In this time, the therapy strategy consisted mostly in cold baths and hot and cold showers. Medication almost didn’t exist, only natural plant extracts, except aspirin, starting production by end of 19th.

The years going, he wanted to improve its training in thermal treatments, and Lenin allows him to visit foreign thermal cities. When Lenin died, time was not safe to come back to Russia, then he decided to stay abroad, in Berlin at first.

In 1936, he decided to move to France, and settled in Paris, working there till his death.

His inventions

Very interested in the Dr August Krogh capillaries discovery, he modified his cold bath way of curing and tested warm baths. Moreover, A. Salmanoff implemented complex bath oils to tune his new tool. To do so, he used several herbs oils, mixed with turpentine essences from Siberian larch trees. And he defined 2 kinds of bath oils, called “White” bath and ‘Yellow” one, with specific presumed effects. In conclusion, he found out that these kind of baths with his specific oils renewed the body, giving back to the people many years life.

Dr A. Salmanoff tested his therapy and cured people all along his life.

Just before his death, in the 1950’s, we wrote 2 books in French. These 2 books have been re impressed recently by Michel Dogna, Naturopath and medical writer. I thank him a lot for that job, which allows me to recover my health.

Alexander Salmanoff died in 1964, in Paris.

He was still practicing at 90.

Photo of the first A. Salmanoff book, “The 1000 tracks for cure”, written in France, by the end of his life. This book has been re-edited in 2013 by Michel Dogna, Naturotherapist and medicine new paper writer. A. Salmanoff describe its vision of medicine, what he learned from his teachers, his own experience with water therapy, its understanding of the August Krogh works about capillaries which lead him progressively to hyperthermic baths. He wrote several philosophic approaches of life, not really up to date today, but its medicine points of view are still alive. He describes diseases he treated, give important data about human body characteristics, as the surface of the lung, that of the capillaries, volumes of the different liquids moving in the body, lot of things. He regrets as well that capillotherapy was not recognized as a powerful tool it is. At the end of the book, he gives some information about medical analyses and how to interpret them. Lot of bibliographical data are joined.
Dr A. Salmanoff first book, written in French, not translate
Photo of the end page of the A. Salmanoff’s first book, “The 1000 tracks for cure”, in French, with some epigraphs.
Dr A. Salmanoff first book, end page
Photo of the second A. Salmanoff’ book, Body’s Secrets and wisdom, Medicine of the depth, written in France, by the end of his life. This book has been re-edited in 2013 by Michel Dogna, Naturotherapist and medicine new paper writer. This book is much more technical. In the first part, he writes his main ideas about what is the life, how the body works, why the body grows old so speedily, ill. A second part is dedicated to the body’s physiology, speaking about capillaries, the blood circulation, breathing describing the role of the diaphragm, how important is the skin. A third part details the phases between health and diseases, makes the description of lot of diseases, why they occur, how to reduce them using capillotherapy. After other philosophical consideration that we must replace in their context, but always pertinent, A. Salmanoff tells his vision of medicine, a global approach of sick people instead of illness only. He speaks about the body’s internal regulations, as Dr Jacques Ménétrier will work onto in the 1950’s, 1970’s. He describes how to use daily the capillotherapy. As for its first book, lot of bibliographical data are joined as well.
Dr A. Salmanoff 2nd book, written in French, not translated
Photo of the end page of the A Salmanoff’s book, Body’s Secrets and wisdom, Médicine of the depth,in French, with epigraph.
Dr A. Salmanoff 2nd book, end page